Hyperinflation and 8 Ways to Prepare and Protect Your Money


Shore Up Your Finances

Review your budget (create one if you don’t have one) to ensure you know how much money you’ll need every month.


Pay Off Any Debt

Once you have a budget and a clearer picture of your situation, focus on tackling your debt. I advise people to pay off any loan with adjustable rates as soon as possible.


Strong Emergency Fund

Once you have a budget and a clearer picture of your situation, focus on tackling your debt.


Put Money in Stores of Value

People should spread their investments across asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.


Fuel Your Investments

After you’ve paid off high-interest debts, create an emergency fund, and smartly saved, keep investing with the amount of money you were directing to those efforts.


Diversify Your Income

One way to hedge against this risk, or find more money to shore up your finances, is to start a side hustle to increase income.


Think About Your Food Sources

Keep canned goods and critical supplies on hand to prepare for another supply chain crisis or weather-related event.


Prepare Passports 

This scenario will most likely affect how the government operates, so you’ll want to ensure you have valid travel documents ready before a crisis occurs.