Sleeping Tips For New Parents

Sleeping Tips For New Parents

Create a Strong Sleep Environment and Relaxing Bedtime Routine


Bedtime routines extend to overtired parents too: Dim lights, relaxing music, and a strategically set alarm 30 minutes before bedtime can all help to prime family members to fall asleep fast.

Get the Right Sleeping Swaddle


While swaddling isn’t necessary for infants, it may help significantly with soothing and overall safety during sleep. This can elongate sleep time for the baby, which can mean more uninterrupted sleep time for parents.

Sleep When Your Baby Sleeps, and Go To Bed When Your Baby Does


it’s essential for parents to catch some Zs wherever possible—and the biggest opportunity presents itself as soon as the child falls asleep.

Take Turns Waking up With the Baby Throughout the Night


Breaking down overnight parenting responsibilities into shifts will help each of you catch some extra REM cycles throughout the week.

Avoid Electronics Before Bed


turn off your phone or put it outside of your bedroom. Electronic devices may push bedtime off by keeping your brain stimulated.

Start Sleep Training as Soon as Your Baby Has Begun To Develop Their Own Rhythm


Some pediatricians recommend parents start sleep training when a baby is as young as 4 months old, as around this time is when their circadian rhythm kicks in and their sleep cycles mature.

Make Relaxing Routines Part of Your Everyday


Staying grounded with non-baby activities, whether going out for a quick walk, catching up with an old friend, journaling, or making time for a cardio workout, all lower stress levels throughout the day.

Be Safe When Sleep Deprived


New parents who are severely sleep-deprived should avoid driving a vehicle, opting instead for delivery and shipping services when possible.

Find Support and People to Talk To


Calling a friend to vent, taking advantage of counseling (virtual or in-person), and dividing up responsibilities with a partner can help take some of the burdens off and offer essential breaks to a newly hectic lifestyle.

If You Are a Breastfeeding Parent, Balance the Need for Sleep With the Need to Pump


Pumping after a morning breastfeeding and storing the milk can provide a much-needed break at a later feeding if another parent or caregiver can bottle-feed with the expressed milk.