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Are you tired of continuously decreasing the amount of food you eat, only to find that you are hungry all the time?

6 Nutrient-dense Foods You Cannot Overeat

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What if you could eat more food and not experience weight gain? Eating more of the right food can help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

Science-backed Ways To Lose Weight

A cup of plain Greek yogurt has around 20 grams of protein and only 130 calories. The high protein content helps keep you full, while the lack of sugar minimizes caloric density.

Plain Greek yogurt


Egg whites are another high protein-low calorie food. One large egg white has around four grams of protein and only 15 calories. The high protein content helps to keep you full.

Egg Whites


These small seeds contain nutrients, including fiber, protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Just 1 ounce of chia seeds contains 11 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein.

Chia Seeds


Pickles are cucumbers that have been soaked in vinegar or brine solution. Though they are often high in sodium, pickles are low in calories and can help to curb your appetite.



Watermelon is a refreshing and hydrating fruit that’s also low in calories. One cup of watermelon contains only 45 calories and is a good source of vitamins A and C.



Apples are a nutritional powerhouse that is low in calories and high in fiber. One apple contains around 60 calories and four grams of fiber. The high fiber content helps to keep you full.



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