American history
15 Facts About American History We Wish We'd Known Earlier

15 Facts About American History We Wish We’d Known Earlier

Well, strap in, folks! Experience a rollercoaster ride through the lesser-known facts of American history. I promise this won’t be one of those dry, eye-glaze-inducing history lessons you had at school. No, sir! Expect to dust off the cobwebs from those old textbooks and bring history to life. It will be a whistle-stop tour through … Read more

10 American Politicians You've Never Heard of Who Basically Changed History

10 American Politicians You’ve Never Heard of Who Basically Changed History

Prepare to embark on a rollicking journey through the annals of US political history, where we’ll shine a spotlight on those unsung heroes shrouded in the shadows of time. This compendium includes lesser-known, the overlooked, the underappreciated – the ‘American politicians you’ve never heard of who basically changed history.’ These aren’t average Washington insiders or … Read more

The Fourth of July

15 Timeless American Traditions That Have Stood the Test of Time

The United States of America is a nation with deep-rooted traditions and customs. Americans have celebrated holidays and special occasions for centuries. But beyond these widely observed events, there are many lesser-known traditions that can be found throughout the country that have stood the test of time. From unique food dishes to quirky festivals, here … Read more

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