15 Dogs That Don’t Bark (Much)
They say every dog has its day, but what if your days are filled with the desire for peace, tranquility, and maybe just a smidgen of quiet? Whether you’re a light sleeper, live in an apartment with grumpy neighbors, or just prefer a peaceful environment, these 15 pawsome pals might just be your ideal companions. Say ‘woof-woof’ to peace and quiet!
Shiba Inu
Occasionally, they might let out their unique ‘Shiba Scream’ when overly excited or annoyed, but mostly, they’re all about giving you silent, endearing company. This Japanese breed, known for its independent nature, often observes the world with a wise and tranquil gaze.
Collies express themselves through a soft whine or whimper when they need something. This breed’s natural inclination towards being quiet, combined with their keen intelligence, makes them easily trainable to bark only when necessary.
While their distinctive deep wrinkles and blue-black tongue may grab your attention, this breed is also renowned for its calm, serene demeanor. Though they’re naturally reserved and might raise their voice when suspicious, Shar-Peis aren’t big on barking. In fact, studies show that they only have a barking frequency of 3 out of 10.
Originally from Central Africa, this breed is often called the “barkless dog.” They make a unique sound, described as something between a chortle and a yodel, affectionately known as a “barroo.” They’re also super-intelligent and extremely loving, making them an excellent choice for families.
Great Dane
A Great Dane would rather spend the day napping on your couch than raising a ruckus! Great Danes make excellent watchdogs and will alert you with a deep, commanding bark only when they perceive a genuine threat.
Afghan Hound
Despite their regal appearance, Afghan Hounds are known for their clown-like silliness when comfortable with their loving families. This low-barking breed communicates its needs subtly, usually through expressive eyes and body language.
This svelte sighthound, known for its long and sleek silhouette that wouldn’t look out of place on a fashion runway, often observes its surroundings with a quiet, contemplative gaze. A study by the American Kennel Club found Borzois to be amongst the least likely to raise a vocal alarm.
Irish Setter
Known for their stunning red coats and playful personality, these dogs generally prefer to express themselves through various sounds, from joyful squeals to contented sighs. Yes, they can bark, but they usually only do so when absolutely necessary, and when they do, it’s brief and to the point.
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Initially bred in Africa to hunt lions, the Rhodesian Ridgeback prefers to keep its vocal cords on a low hum, barking only under specific circumstances. Ridgebacks are known for their unique communication style – an amusing ‘Roo-roo’ sound, far from a typical bark.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
They’ve got the heart of a true-blue companion, and their bark? More of a gentle whisper, really. Natural data from the American Kennel Club confirms that out of a barking scale from 1 to 10, they’re a soft 3!
Chinese Crested Dog
With its hairless body and tufts of hair on its head, tail, and ankles, this breed is a head-turner! And the best part? Their barks won’t drive your neighbors mad. They rank a stellar 3.5 out of 5 on the Bark-o-Meter, ensuring a peaceful living environment.
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Glens are known for their strength and agility, initially bred for hunting purposes in the rocky terrains of Ireland. But here’s the best part – they are quiet as a whisper! Their average bark score is under 2 (on a scale of 0 to 10). Silent, sturdy, and spirited – that’s the Glen for you!
This noble dog, originating from the deserts of the Middle East, is known for its incredible speed and endurance. But guess what else? A Saluki is more likely to give you a judgemental look than to bark at a squirrel on the other side of the glass door.
Clumber Spaniel
Contrary to what their hefty build might suggest, Clumbers are typically calm and quiet dogs. They’re not much into barking, but when they do, it’s usually for a good reason. As a bonus, these unique furballs are known to snore – it’s their adorable, somewhat noisy way of catching those Z’s.
Bernese Mountain Dog
They are known for their good-natured and calm demeanor, making them ideal companions for families, especially those with children. While their bark may shake the mountains, they prefer to save their voice, barking only when necessary.
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