20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

We’ve all been there, staring into those irresistible puppy-dog eyes, begging for a morsel of our dinner. It’s a familiar scene for any dog lover. But those eyes aren’t just pleading for any old scrap—they’re after human food. Before you scoff at the idea, don’t banish Fido to the doghouse just yet.

It turns out several human foods are safe for your canine companion and add valuable nutrients to their diet. So, hang tight as we serve a menu of 20 human foods your dog can happily chow down. Woof Appetit!

Peanut Butter

20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Josfor via Canva.com

A fantastic source of protein, heart-healthy fats, and vitamin B, peanut butter is a doggy delight. Just be sure the brand you choose is free from xylitol, an artificial sweetener that’s toxic to dogs.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
PABImages via canva.com

Packed with vitamin A and fiber, carrots make a crunchy, low-calorie snack that’s also good for your dog’s teeth.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
JaneFaizullin via Canva.com

These little superfoods are bursting with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, making them a healthy treat for your dog.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
iridi via Canva.com

They’re a great source of potassium and vitamins, but remember to feed them in moderation due to their high sugar content.

Sweet Potatoes

20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
HausOnThePrairie via Canva.com

Steamed or boiled, sweet potatoes are a great source of dietary fiber and vitamins A, B6, and C.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
WebSubstance via Canva.com

Cooked chicken is a perfect protein boost for your dog. Just make sure it’s free of seasoning and bones.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
saddako via Canva.com

Similarly to chicken, turkey is an excellent source of protein. Remember to remove any seasoning, skin, and bones.

Green Beans

20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
themosse via Canva.com

A fantastic low-calorie snack, green beans provide an excellent source of protein and calcium.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Eeli Purola via Canva.com

Apples (minus the seeds and core) offer fiber and vitamins A and C. They also help clean residue off a dog’s teeth, improving their breath.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
porojnicu via Canva.com

Salmon and sardines are excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart and eye health.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Sergeeva via Canva.com

Packed with fiber and vitamin A, pumpkin is great for your dog’s digestive health.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
bdspnimage via Canva.com

This superfood offers a good protein source and is easy on a dog’s digestive system.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Da Silva Emmanuelle via Canva.com

A wholesome and complete source of protein, eggs for dogs should be cooked.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Photoboyko via Canva.com

A great source of soluble fiber, oatmeal is perfect for senior dogs with bowel irregularity issues. It’s also a great alternative grain for dogs allergic to wheat.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
SherSor via Canva.com

High in vitamins A, B, C, and K, spinach also contains iron, antioxidants, and beta-carotene.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Zontica via Canva.com

This veggie can be an excellent occasional nutrition boost. However, it should not exceed 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Ewa Rogoyska via Canva.com

A crunchy, hydrating snack that’s perfect for overweight dogs since it holds little to no carbs, fats, or oils.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
Duang NGEUNTHEPPHADA via Canva.com

Especially brown rice, is a healthy part of a dog’s diet. It’s a wonderful source of carbohydrates and can act as a binding agent to help firm up stools.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
ravin36 via Canva.com

This summer fruit is packed with nutrients, but its high sugar content means it should be shared in moderation.


20 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
fudfoto via Canva.com

Pears are a good source of fiber and vitamins A and C. Make sure to remove the seeds and core before feeding them to your dog.

So there you have it, a smorgasbord of delicious and nutritious options you and your pup can enjoy!

Remember the words of Cesar Chavez, an American labor leader and civil rights activist,
“I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry and unhappy like we do. I feel very deeply about vegetarianism and the animal kingdom. It was my dog Boycott who led me to question the right of humans to eat other sentient beings.”

Health Benefits of Grooming Your Dog

Dog Grooming (1)
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The most seemingly mundane dog features—their fur, nails, ears, and teeth, for instance—all work in concert to create homeostatic balance, keeping them healthy and comfortable. Too much dead fur trapped in a dog’s coat can lead to mats, which can lead to pelting and, eventually, skin infections and overheating.

Health Benefits of Grooming Your Dog

8 Best Dog Backpacks for Hiking and Outdoor Adventures

8 Best Dog Backpacks for Hiking and Outdoor Adventures
provided by frenz

Some might say that dogs are man’s best friend. But what about when man needs a little help carrying his load? Carrying all your dog’s supplies can be a pain, especially if you’re also trying to bring your own things on your outdoor adventure. That’s where dog backpacks come in handy.

8 Best Dog Backpacks for Hiking and Outdoor Adventures

States in the US With The Most Spoiled Dogs in 2022

States in the US With The Most Spoiled Dogs in 2022
Provided by Frenz via canva.com

Do you have a spoiled dog? If so, you’re not alone! According to a recent study by Forbes Advisor, the state with the most pampered dogs is New York, followed by California and Washington. If you want to know where your state ranks, keep reading. We’ll also provide tips on spoiling your pooch even more!

States in the US With The Most Spoiled Dogs in 2022

10 Best Dog Breeds That Make Excellent Best Friends

15 Easiest Tricks to Teach Your Dog
Provided by Frenz via Canva.com

The term “man’s best friend” has been applied to dogs for generations, and rightfully so. These cuddly friends are always there for their owners and shower them with love and dedication. However, not every dog breed is well suited to the role of man’s best friend.

10 Best Dog Breeds That Make Excellent Best Friends

10 Pet Peeves That Owners Say Their Beloved Pets Have, Do Yours?

10 Pet Peeves That Owners Say Their Beloved Pets Have, Do Yours?
Provided by Frenz

I have many pet peeves, like when people interrupt me or speak with their mouths full of food. Pet owners know that animals also have pet peeves, and one user on a popular internet forum wonders what irritates their pests the most. Animal lovers replied with their pet’s strange dislikes.

10 Pet Peeves That Owners Say Their Beloved Pets Have, Do Yours?


  • Dennis brings a comprehensive worldview to the Frenz Hub team, fueled by his passions for writing, reading, documentaries, and community involvement. His educational background enhances his thoughtful contributions.

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