10 habits that can help you become smarter

George Michael
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Are you tired of scrolling through social media and seeing articles that promise a quick fix to become smarter? When it comes to becoming smarter, there is no magic pill or overnight solution. Instead, it requires consistent effort and small changes in our daily habits.

10 proven habits that can help you on your journey to become smarter

In this article, we will explore 10 proven habits that can help you on your journey to become smarter. So put down that brain-boosting smoothie and let’s dive into these practical yet effective ways to increase your intelligence!

Reading regularly

One of the best habits to develop in order to become smarter is reading. Reading exposes you to new ideas, expands your vocabulary, and improves your critical thinking skills. When you pick up a book, you’re not just engaging your mind in a fun activity, but you’re also training your brain.

Reading regularly
Reading regularly


Studies show that frequent readers have better cognitive functions and remember things better than those who don’t read as often. The habit can boost your vocabulary, enhance your writing skills, and offer a sense of relaxation like no other.

Reading can also help you improve your mental health by diminishing stress levels and reducing anxiety. Whether it’s books, articles, or even comics, make sure to incorporate reading into your daily routine.


A person Writing
A person Writing


Writing is another great habit that can help boost your intelligence. It allows you to organize your thoughts and communicate them effectively. Journaling, writing essays or short stories, or even just jotting down your thoughts can all contribute to improving your cognitive abilities.

Learning a new language

Learning a new language
Learning a new language


Learning a new language not only opens up opportunities for communication but also has numerous cognitive benefits. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities.

Playing brain games

Playing brain games
Playing brain games


Who says playing games can’t be productive? There are many brain-training apps and games that can improve memory, attention span, and other cognitive functions. Plus, they’re fun and challenging!

Exercising regularly

Exercising regularly
Exercising regularly


Physical exercise not only benefits our physical health but also our mental well-being. Regular exercise has been linked to improved memory, focus, and overall brain function.




Taking some time out of your day for meditation can do wonders for your brainpower. It helps reduce stress and anxiety while improving focus and decision-making skills.

Trying new things

Trying new things
Trying new things


Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things stimulates the brain by creating new neural pathways. This could be as simple as trying a new hobby or learning a new skill.

Getting enough sleep

Getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep


Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for optimal brain function. During sleep, our brains consolidate memories and process information from the day before.

Eating a nutritious diet

Eating a nutritious diet
Eating a nutritious diet


Fueling our bodies with nutritious foods is essential for maintaining good physical health but also has a significant impact on our mental health as well.

Surrounding yourself with smart people

Surrounding yourself with smart people
Surrounding yourself with smart people


As the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Surrounding yourself with intelligent and motivated individuals can inspire you to learn and grow.

Setting goals

Setting goals
Setting goals


Having clear and achievable goals can help keep your mind focused and motivated. This habit also fosters critical thinking skills as you work towards finding solutions to achieve your goals.

Questioning everything

Questioning everything
Questioning everything


Curiosity is a key trait of intelligent individuals. Make it a habit to question things, dig deeper, and seek out knowledge. Don’t just accept things at face value.

Taking breaks

Taking breaks
Taking breaks


Our brains need breaks in order to function at their best. Taking short breaks throughout the day can help improve productivity and prevent burnout.




Lastly, don’t forget to laugh! Studies have shown that laughter has numerous cognitive benefits, including reducing stress and improving memory and creativity. So don’t be afraid to let out a good chuckle every now and then!


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