American culture
20 Odd American Traditions That Confuse the Rest of the World

20 Odd American Traditions That Confuse the Rest of the World

It’s no surprise that cultures worldwide have their own unique customs and traditions, but some of America’s most beloved habits can seem downright strange to outsiders. Many American traditions may seem odd or even bizarre to people from other countries. Here are twenty of the strangest American traditions that confuse the rest of the world. … Read more

15 Things Non-Americans Can't Stop Raving About After Visiting the USA

16 Things Non-Americans Can’t Stop Raving About After Visiting the U.S

The United States of America is a land like no other. Whether you’re embarking on your inaugural visit or returning after an extended absence, exploring this expansive country can be both exhilarating and awe-inspiring. America possesses a multitude of distinctive qualities that make it truly special, encompassing breathtaking natural wonders, thriving urban centers, and a … Read more


20 Things Americans Do Without Realizing How Weird It Is

Greetings, fellow travelers and cultural enthusiasts! Have you ever taken a moment to contemplate the peculiarities that uniquely define us as Americans? Indeed, we possess an assortment of customs that may appear ordinary to us, yet leave individuals from different corners of the globe perplexed. Ranging from our affinity for an ice-cold beverage served ‘on … Read more

Eating With Your Hands

15 Strange Foreign Customs That Shock Americans

As we trot around the globe, we’re bound to stumble upon a kaleidoscope of customs that might appear bizarre through our star-spangled spectacles. From shoes on the table to copious amounts of coffee, the world is a treasure trove of strange traditions that could leave Americans scratching their heads in bemusement. Haggling Over Prices For … Read more

Lack of Paid Maternity Leave

20 Everyday European Things That Are Luxuries in America

Welcome, my dear transatlantic friends, to the land of understated luxuries! Yes, we’re talking about Europe, where everyday things somehow transform into extravagant experiences when seen from an American perspective. Curious? Well, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a delightful journey through 20 seemingly mundane European staples that are, in fact, quite the … Read more

Making the Same Mistakes Repeatedly

20 American Things That Leave Non-Americans Scratching Their Heads

Welcome, dear globe-trotters and curious souls, to the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the birthplace of mind-boggling oddities. Yes, we’re talking about America, the nation known for its larger-than-life skyscrapers, Hollywood dreams, and a penchant for the peculiar. As you embark on this journey, be prepared to scratch your head … Read more

25 Things to Never Do in the United States

25 Things to Never Do in the United States

Welcome, folks! We’re about to embark on a wild ride through the unspoken rules of the United States – a country as diverse as the toppings on its beloved pizza. We all know the U.S. is the land of freedom, but that doesn’t mean you can roam around like a cowboy in an old western. … Read more

30 Things Americans Do That Are Seen as Disrespectful in Other Countries

30 Things Americans Do That Are Seen as Disrespectful in Other Countries

As we journey across the globe, it’s important for us to understand and respect the diverse cultures and customs we encounter. Certain behaviors that are considered polite in the United States can be seen as offensive or discourteous elsewhere. In this light, we’ve compiled a list of 30 everyday habits of Americans that could be … Read more

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