12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health

Ephraim Obare
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Social media has become integral to our lives, connecting us with loved ones, sparking new ideas, and even uncovering exciting job opportunities. However, we must tread carefully, as its impact on our mental health can be profound. From the green-eyed monster of envy to the dreaded FOMO (fear of missing out), social media can trigger anxiety, depression, and battered self-esteem.

This piece will dive into the uncharted territory of 12 unexpected ways social media might silently sabotage our mental well-being. Together, we’ll learn how to recognize these subtle pitfalls, arm ourselves, and safeguard our precious mental equilibrium from the perils of excessive social media consumption. Stay tuned because this is a journey we can’t afford to miss!

Constant Comparison

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Noob Designer via canva.com

One of the unexpected ways that social media is ruining our mental health is through constant comparison. Social media has created a world where it’s easy to compare ourselves to others, which can lead to feelings of envy and insecurity.

This can be especially damaging for those already struggling with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Constant comparison on social media can make people feel like they aren’t enough, no matter how hard they try or how much they achieve. This often leads to an unhealthy cycle of self-criticism and isolation from others.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Marchmeena29 via canva.com

FOMO is the feeling of anxiety and envy caused by seeing others having fun without you or not being able to experience something yourself.

Social media can fuel this fear because it allows individuals to constantly compare themselves with their peers, leading to feelings of insecurity or discontentment. This can have long-lasting effects on one’s mental health and happiness.


12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
AntonioGuillem via canva.com

Cyberbullying is one of the most destructive forms of social media abuse. It involves using the internet, emails, text messages, and other forms of digital communication to send hurtful or embarrassing content to another person.

Cyberbullying can have serious emotional and mental health consequences for victims, making them feel scared, helpless, and even suicidal in extreme cases. It’s important to be aware that cyberbullying can happen at any age, and it should not be taken lightly – if you are being harassed online, it is important to seek help from an adult or authority figure.

Unrealistic Beauty Standards

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Prostock-Studio via canva.com

Social media has created unrealistic beauty standards that are hard to attain. With the prevalence of photoshopped images, influencers with almost perfect physiques, and edited selfies, it’s easy to get caught up in comparison.

This causes us to feel inadequate and creates feelings of low self-esteem, leading to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Negative Social Comparison

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Nicoletaionescu via canva.com

Negative social comparison is one of the most damaging aspects of social media on our mental health. It can be hard to escape negative emotions like envy, jealousy, and self-doubt when we are constantly exposed to the lives and accomplishments of others.

We start to compare ourselves and our lives with what we see online, creating unrealistic expectations that can lead us into a spiral of negative thoughts. This type of unhealthy comparison affects not only our mood but also our self-esteem and confidence in the long run.

Sleep Disruption

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Pixelshot via canva.com

Social media is detrimental to our mental health, particularly with regard to sleep disruption. As people stay glued to their phones and laptops, they are exposed to the blue light from the screens, which can alter our body’s biological clock and prevent us from getting a good night’s sleep.

Furthermore, when we scroll through our feeds late at night, this often increases anxiety and stress, making it even more difficult for us to relax and fall asleep.

Addiction and Dependency

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
RyanKing999 via canva.com

People can become addicted to the instant gratification they get from posting, liking, and being liked by others online. This can lead to a feeling of emptiness or missing out when they don’t get the same reaction as before, leading them into an unhealthy cycle of continually seeking validation from their peers online.

Furthermore, people may become dependent on social media for daily interactions with friends, family, or even strangers, leading to isolation in real life or in-person conversations. With never-ending scrolling and attention-seeking notifications, social media platforms are purposely built to captivate. This can easily ignite an obsession, causing neglect of real-life connections and responsibilities. Stay aware, embrace the present, and set boundaries!

Isolation and Loneliness

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Yacobchuk via canva.com

Isolation and loneliness are two of the biggest issues that social media has caused in our mental health. The endless scrolling, comparison, and instant gratification of constantly being “liked” can create an artificial sense of community.

This can lead to feeling disconnected from real people and true relationships, as well as feelings of extreme loneliness. Additionally, isolation from meaningful relationships can create anxiety and depression when you don’t have anyone to share your concerns with.

Information Overload

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Cecilie_Arcurs via canva.com

The amount of information we are exposed to on social media can be overwhelming and often lead to negative mental health effects. Constant scrolling through posts, videos, and images exposes us to an overload of information that can cause us to become anxious and stressed as we try to keep up with it all.

This overload of information has been linked to feelings of depression and being overwhelmed, which in turn can lead to burnout or even more serious mental health issues.

Self-Presentation Pressure

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
PeopleImages via canva.com

The pressure to present an idealized version of ourselves on social media can damage our mental health. This feeling of having to compare ourselves with others and present a perfect image constantly can lead to feelings of inadequacy, envy, anxiety, and depression.

It’s important for us to remember that the images we see online don’t reflect real life, and they shouldn’t control our self-worth or happiness.

Distorted Reality

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
RobinHiggins via canva.com

Social media can promote a distorted reality that is not reflective of true experiences and interactions. Users may become overly focused on their own online image, comparing themselves to others in a way that is not beneficial for mental health. Posts are often edited or filtered to present an idealized version of life, creating unrealistic expectations and potentially leading to feelings of depression or low self-esteem.

Social media has the power to distort reality, painting an incomplete picture where only the highlights are shown. This can leave us feeling unsatisfied and warp our idea of what happiness and success truly mean. Let’s rethink our perspective, shall we?

Loss of Privacy

12 Unexpected Ways Social Media Is Ruining Our Mental Health
Liza Summer via canva.com

Social media has become an integral part of our lives and is quickly breeding a culture of oversharing. With the ease of access comes the worry that our personal information is being shared with those who are not meant to receive it. This leads to a feeling of loss of privacy, as online users often feel like they have no control over where their data ends up or who uses it for their own benefit.

Social media encourages us to share every aspect of our lives, but this can be dangerous if we don’t take precautions to protect our privacy. Social media platforms amass vast amounts of personal data, chipping away at our privacy and fueling feelings of vulnerability and anxiety surrounding online security and identity theft.


Forbes – 6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health

HelpGuide – Social Media and Mental Health

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  • Ephraim Obare

    Ephraim Obare is a versatile member of the Frenz Hub writing team, bringing a rich background in economics to his work. An avid swimmer, reader, and cyclist, Ephraim blends analytical insights with his diverse interests.

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