18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Sabotaging Your Relationships

Ephraim Obare
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When it comes to relationships, trust, and open communication are two of the most important factors for success. But unfortunately, some people use manipulative tactics to control their partners without their knowledge. This type of psychological abuse is known as “gaslighting”—a term derived from a 1938 play called Gas Light in which a husband attempts to drive his wife crazy by manipulating her environment and making her doubt herself.

This form of emotional manipulation can take many forms, such as telling lies or withholding information, denying one’s own words or behavior, deflecting blame onto another person, and even invalidating someone else’s feelings or opinions. Although these tactics may appear subtle at first glance, they can have long-term damaging effects on both parties involved in the relationship. To help identify if you are being gaslighted in your relationship, here are 18 gaslighting phrases that may be damaging your relationships.

You’re being paranoid

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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The phrase “You’re being paranoid” is one of the most insidious forms of gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation.

You’re overreacting

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Timur Weber

“You’re overreacting” is one of the most common gaslighting phrases used in relationships. It’s a phrase that implies that you shouldn’t feel the way you do, and it can be incredibly damaging to your emotional well-being. When someone says, “you’re overreacting,” it invalidates your emotions, leaving you feeling confused and powerless.

This type of behavior can lead to serious psychological damage if left unchecked. If this phrase has been used against you, it may be time to take a step back from the relationship and assess what kind of boundaries need to be set in order for both parties involved to have healthy communication going forward.

That never happened

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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This phrase can be used in many different contexts, from intimate relationships to the workplace. When said by someone with power or authority over another person, it can have an especially damaging effect on their self-esteem and trust in themselves.

In addition to causing confusion and self-doubt in victims of gaslighting, “that never happened” also serves as a way for perpetrators of emotional abuse to maintain control over those around them.

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You are making that up

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Syda Productions

One of the most damaging phrases someone can utter in a relationship is, “you are making that up.” This phrase seeks to undermine the other person’s feelings or experiences and make them doubt their own sanity.

It implies that whatever the person is feeling or saying isn’t real and invalidates their emotions and thoughts. If you think your partner may be gaslighting you with this phrase, it’s important to address it quickly before any further damage is done.

You have always been crazy

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Keira Burton

One of the most damaging gaslighting phrases is “You have always been crazy.” This phrase implies that the person’s mental health issues are inherent and unchangeable, leading to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

It can also be used as a way for an abuser to control their victim by invalidating their emotions, making them question their own sanity, or even causing them to doubt reality itself. By using this phrase, an abuser can make it difficult for the victim to trust themselves or anyone else in their life. Ultimately, this form of manipulation has serious consequences on both mental and physical health, so it should never be tolerated in any relationship.

I don’t know what you want me to say

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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“I don’t know what you want me to say” is one of many phrases perpetrators may use in order to confuse or disorient their victims, making them doubt themselves and their experiences.

This tactic also allows perpetrators to avoid taking responsibility for their actions while shifting blame onto the victim for not understanding them or expecting too much from them. While it may appear harmless at first glance, this phrase can have long-term consequences if left unchecked and unaddressed by both parties involved in the relationship.

It’s your fault

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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One of the most damaging forms of gaslighting is the phrase, “It’s your fault.” This statement can create an immediate sense of guilt and confusion.

Not only does it imply that the other person is responsible for the problem, but it also implies that the perpetrator didn’t do anything to cause it. This phrase can cause a lot of internal turmoil and hopelessness.

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Everyone agrees with me

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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The phrase “everyone agrees with me” is often used in conversations as a way to shut down opposing viewpoints and quash dissent. It’s an insidious form of gaslighting that can be damaging to relationships and lead to feelings of alienation or loneliness. By implying that everyone else shares the same opinion, it implies that those who disagree are somehow wrong or out of step with reality.

This can cause people to feel isolated, ashamed, or invalidated for their opinions and make them hesitant to voice their thoughts in the future. It also creates an atmosphere of conformity where everyone is expected to think alike, and any deviation from this norm is seen as deviant behavior. Ultimately, using this phrase serves only one person: the speaker. Everyone else loses out on valuable perspectives which could have enriched the conversation.

It was just a joke, can’t you take a joke

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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When someone expresses hurt or anger at a comment or joke, it is important to acknowledge their feelings and apologize if necessary instead of dismissing their emotions with the phrase, “It was just a joke”.

Everyone has different boundaries when it comes to humor, and respect for those boundaries is essential in any healthy relationship. Gaslighting phrases like this one are often used as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for one’s words or actions, but that does not mean that these types of comments should go unchecked.

How dare you accuse me of doing that!

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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“How dare you accuse me of doing that!” is one of the most common gaslighting phrases used to make someone else feel inferior and manipulated. It’s a form of psychological manipulation and abuse that can have serious long-term impacts on a person’s mental health, self-esteem, and emotional well-being.

Why can’t you be more like your sibling?

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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The phrase “Why can’t you be more like your sibling?” is a common example of gaslighting. It typically starts with small comments or questions that are intended to make the other person question their own feelings and thoughts.

In this case, it may be used to compare one sibling unfavorably to another in order to make them feel inferior or guilty for not being as successful or talented as their sibling. This type of behavior can be damaging to relationships because it causes people to doubt themselves and creates feelings of resentment and insecurity in the long term.

I can’t have any negative emotions around you

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Polina Zimmerman

One of the most damaging gaslighting phrases is, “I can’t have any negative emotions around you.” This statement implies that it is wrong or unacceptable for someone to express their feelings in a relationship. This type of manipulation can be extremely damaging to both parties involved.

By attempting to control how others feel, the person using this phrase may be trying to gain power over the other person in an unhealthy way. Furthermore, this attempt at controlling another person’s emotions can create an environment where one partner feels constantly anxious and on edge, unsure if they are allowed to express their true feelings. In order for healthy relationships to develop and flourish, both partners must feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or punishment from the other party.

There is something seriously wrong with you

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Budgeron Bach

“There is something seriously wrong with you.” This phrase, used as a form of manipulation known as gaslighting, can be incredibly damaging to relationships. It can lead to confusion, shame, guilt, and even depression in the person being manipulated.

While it may be tempting for some people to resort to this type of behavior in order to gain power over another person, it is important that we recognize the harm that these phrases can cause in our relationships if they are used too often or taken too far.

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The Bible commands us to …

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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It is important to be aware of these types of phrases and how they can damage relationships if not addressed properly.

The Bible teaches us to communicate honestly and openly with each other, so it’s important to remember this when engaging in conversations with loved ones.

You’re not perfect, either

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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The phrase “you’re not perfect, either” is a common gaslighting phrase that may be damaging your relationships. It’s usually uttered during an argument or when someone has been called out for their behavior.

This phrase is often used to guilt the other person into feeling like they are somehow in the wrong and should have known better. The truth is, no one is perfect and this phrase is merely a way of manipulating another person into thinking they have done something wrong.

Stop Exaggerating

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Kaspars G.

Stop exaggerating is one of the most common gaslighting phrases used to manipulate and control another person.

It implies that the recipient of this phrase is not telling the truth or that they are exaggerating a situation to make it seem more serious than it actually is. This can be damaging to relationships as it undermines trust and respect and can lead to feelings of worthlessness and guilt in the recipient.

Don’t Blame me, I never meant to hurt you

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
Canva by Anton Estrada

This phrase is often used by people who are trying to gaslight their partners. It implies that their partner is too sensitive and that they are overreacting to the situation. This phrase is manipulative, and it puts the blame on the other person instead of taking responsibility for one’s own actions.

It also communicates a lack of empathy and understanding of how the other person may be feeling. This type of statement makes it difficult for partners to trust each other and can lead to resentment in long-term relationships.

Let’s Forgive and Forget

18 Gaslighting Phrases That May Be Damaging Your Relationships
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Forgiveness is an essential part of any healthy relationship, but it’s important to understand that forgiving someone doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting what they did.

In some cases, people may use the phrase “Let’s forgive and forget” as a way to gaslight their partner, making them feel like they should quickly move on from the situation without dealing with its consequences. This can be damaging to relationships and could lead to more issues in the future if not addressed properly.



  • Ephraim Obare

    Ephraim Obare is a versatile member of the Frenz Hub writing team, bringing a rich background in economics to his work. An avid swimmer, reader, and cyclist, Ephraim blends analytical insights with his diverse interests.

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