How to Keep Your Sanity When Relocating With Kids

Olu Ojo
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How to keep your sanity when relocating with kids
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Relocating is often a mix of excitement and chaos, especially when moving with your little ones. The challenge of relocating with kids goes beyond packing boxes. It encompasses handling emotions, managing schedules, and seeking exciting things to do with kids to keep their spirits high. Amidst the whirlwind of logistical tasks, parents often grapple with the dual responsibility of ensuring a smooth move and maintaining their sanity. This article aims to shed light on strategies and tips to make this demanding process smoother and more manageable for every family member involved.

Plan and Prepare: The Foundation of a Smooth Move

Planning is not merely a logistical step but the cornerstone of a hassle-free relocation, especially when children are involved. Taking the time to map out the process thoughtfully significantly reduces the potential for last-minute hiccups, which can quickly escalate stress levels in an already tense environment.

Why Planning Is Crucial When Relocating With Kids

Traveling with kids
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First and foremost, a comprehensive plan provides a structured roadmap for the journey ahead. It anticipates challenges, ensuring that parents are well-prepared to tackle any situation. This foresight not only cuts down on surprises but also aids in raising well-behaved children. When children see their parents handling situations with poise and preparation, it inadvertently teaches them the importance of being proactive rather than reactive.

Involve Your Kids in the Planning

Including children in the relocation plans does wonders for their morale. It fosters a sense of control amidst the whirlwind of changes, making them feel like an integral part of the decision-making process rather than passive participants. By allowing them to voice their opinions about which room they’d like or the décor they prefer, you’re also instilling a sense of value and importance in them. This inclusive approach smoothens the transition and contributes to their personal growth, making them feel more responsible and mature.

Keep Routines Consistent: The Anchor in a Sea of Change

Amidst the myriad of tasks and the looming sense of novelty, the familiarity of routines can be a saving grace. For kids, routines aren’t just schedules—they’re synonymous with comfort, predictability, and security. Holding onto these routines becomes even more critical during a time of upheaval.

The Importance of Routines for Children

Consistency is a pillar of child-rearing. Maintaining familiar routines while relocating is a stable anchor for children amidst the change. It sends a reassuring message that while their surroundings might change, the basic structure of their day remains intact. This predictability helps alleviate anxiety and offers children a sense of control in an environment where they might feel most powerless.

Strategies To Maintain Routines

  • Stick to bedtimes: Even if everything else is in disarray, ensuring that bedtime remains consistent can work wonders. It’s more than just getting rest; it’s about maintaining a ritual that provides comfort. Whether it’s the bedtime story, the lullaby, or the goodnight hug, these elements remind children that some things remain unchanged.
  • Continue regular meal patterns: Food is another crucial aspect of the routine. Try to stick to your regular meal timings and familiar foods as much as possible. The familiarity of sitting down as a family, discussing the day, or just the act of eating a favorite dish can bring a tremendous sense of normalcy.

Open Communication: The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Open dialogue becomes the backbone of understanding during any major transition, and relocating is no exception. Moving can raise many emotions and questions for children, whose worlds are closely intertwined with their surroundings and routines. Parents must step in, ensuring that these feelings aren’t brushed aside but acknowledged and addressed.

The Power of Talking When Relocating With Kids

Communication goes beyond just sharing information—it’s a way to validate feelings, clarify doubts, and build trust. When children see their concerns being taken seriously, they not only feel heard but also understood. This emotional validation is instrumental in helping raise mentally strong kids. By teaching them to face their emotions, understand them, and express them effectively, parents lay the foundation for resilience and emotional intelligence.

Methods to Foster Open Dialogue

  • Have regular family meetings: Setting aside a designated time to discuss the move, answer questions, or simply check in on everyone’s emotional state can be beneficial. It creates a structured environment where kids are encouraged to voice their feelings, fears, or excitement about the new journey ahead.
  • Create a safe space for sharing: Encourage casual conversations where children can talk freely without fearing judgment. Whether over dinner or during a car ride, these open-ended chats can offer insights into your child’s mind, helping you promptly address any underlying concerns.

Engage in Fun Activities: The Best Distraction

Amidst the potential tumult of a move, introducing a dose of fun can act as a brilliant stress reliever. Activities not only provide a momentary escape from the reality of boxes and packing tape, but they also offer a way for families to bond and create positive memories during a period that could otherwise be stressful.

Why Distractions Are Beneficial During a Move

Distractions, especially in the form of engaging activities, serve as a much-needed break for the mind. For kids, who might be grappling with the emotions of leaving a familiar place behind, these distractions can help shift their focus to the present moment. It eases the weight of anxiety, channeling their energy into something positive and constructive.

Suggestions for Engaging Activities

  • Explore the new neighborhood together: Turn the unfamiliarity of your new surroundings into an adventure. Go on family walks or treasure hunts, spotting new landmarks or favorite spots. That can be a way to get kids excited about their new environment, viewing it as a place filled with potential discoveries.
  • Create a family game night: Board games, card games, or even interactive video games can be a great way to spend quality time together. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep spirits high, ensuring that laughter and camaraderie overshadow the strains of relocation.

The journey can be long and tedious for those undergoing a long-distance move, especially for young ones. That is where innovative ideas to keep them occupied come into play. For instance, pack a travel kit with their favorite books, puzzles, coloring materials, and portable games. Also, introduce audio stories or podcasts suitable for kids. Moreover, plan rest stops around interesting locales or parks. Such preparation ensures the journey becomes as memorable as the destination, and kids remain entertained.

Set Up the Kids’ Room First: Making a House Feel Like Home

Transitioning to a new home can be daunting for children. Amidst unfamiliar walls and spaces, creating a sanctuary of familiarity becomes pivotal in easing the transition.

The Impact of a Familiar Space on a Child’s Wellbeing

Having a recognizable space, especially their room, set up promptly offers children immediate comfort. This zone becomes their retreat, assuring them that while much has changed, the essence of their personal space remains intact, which can be a linchpin in their emotional adjustment.

Steps To Set Up Their Room

  • Involve them in the design process: Letting kids know where their bed goes or which wall their posters hang on grants them autonomy and excitement about their new room.
  • Incorporate familiar items from the old house: Bringing in their cherished toys, blankets, or even arranging books in a known sequence can make the room feel familiar and homey faster.


Relocating with kids presents a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. Parents can transform a potentially stressful transition into a memorable journey by prioritizing communication, maintaining routines, and infusing the process with fun and familiarity. Remember, the key lies in balance and understanding, ensuring that amidst the chaos of boxes and new beginnings, the essence of the family remains unshaken. Here’s to new adventures and the warmth of home, no matter where you are.


  • Olu Ojo

    My name is Olu. I am a passionate entrepreneur who loves to write about Pets, Home Improvement Hacks & Products, Fitness, and Travel Lifestyle. I have two bachelor's degrees in Veterinary Medicine and Applied Accounting with a CPA designation. I currently shuffle time between completing a Master of Business Administration Degree Education, Professional Practice, and Content writing. I have freelanced lifestyle content and posts for many top authority websites like MSN, and Wealth of Geeks.

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