20 Surefire Clues She’s Into You, But Playing Hard to Get; Discover the Secret Signs

Ephraim Obare
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Are you trying to figure out if a woman is interested in you, but she’s playing hard to get? It can be tough to know for sure since many women have their own unique way of flirting. But there are certain signs and signals that can help you determine whether or not she’s into you—if only you knew what to look for!

We’ll uncover 20 surefire clues that will tell you exactly how she feels about you. These secret signs will give away her true intentions so that your dating life can finally move forward with clarity. So let’s dive right in!

She blushes when you pay her a compliment

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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When it comes to deciphering the secret signs she’s into you, there are a few telltale signs you should look out for. One of them is her blushing when you pay her a compliment. Not only does she blush when you give her one, but she also looks away quickly and shyly, which could indicate that she likes what you say and is too shy to respond.

Pay close attention to how she responds; if her body language matches what you’re saying, then chances are, she’s definitely into you!

She includes you in her plans

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Andre F.

One sure sign that she’s into you is if she includes you in her plans. If she regularly invites you to hang out with her and friends or even suggests a future date night, then it’s likely she wants to get to know you better.

She might also be testing the waters to see how invested you are in spending time with her. If this is the case, make sure you don’t miss out on an opportunity to show your enthusiasm for being around her.

She likes touching you

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by GeorgeRudy

When a woman likes you, she may play hard to get and try not to show it. However, there are some secret signs she’s into you that can give her away.

One surefire clue that she likes you is if she touches you while talking—whether it’s brushing your arm or holding your hand, this is a clear sign that she is interested in you.

She’s always smiling at you

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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She’s always smiling when you are around. This could be a sign that she is interested in you and playing hard to get.

A woman who is attracted to someone will often show it through her body language, such as by making more eye contact than usual and smiling more often. If she smiles at you warmly and frequently, then it could be a sign that she is into you.

She lingers around you for a chance to talk

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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When she’s into you but playing hard to get, she may not be ready to admit it yet. However, some secret signs can give away her true feelings. One of the most obvious clues is if she lingers around you for a chance to talk, even when other people are present.

She might be looking for any opportunity to talk with you or find ways to be around you as much as possible. If this happens often enough, then chances are she’s interested in getting to know you better.

She gives you her full attention when you’re together

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by BernardBodo

When a woman is into you but playing hard to get, she will usually give you her full attention when you’re together. She’ll listen intently to what you have to say and make sure that all of your points are heard.

She might even ask questions or comment on something that you’ve said to show that she’s interested in the conversation and wants to know more about your thoughts and opinions. Giving her full attention shows that she enjoys spending time with you and values what you have to say.

She’s eager to hear from you every day

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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One of the signs is that she’s eager to hear from you every day. She will text you often and always be ready for a conversation with you. She answers your calls quickly and responds immediately to your messages; this is a good sign that she wants to spend time with you and learn more about you.

She drops hints about her availability

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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She may drop subtle hints about her availability when she’s playing hard to get. She might suggest that you two do something in the near future, such as going out for drinks or trying a new restaurant.

She may also make an effort to be around you and your friends more often. Additionally, she may offer help with tasks or projects that require both of your attention, which could be a sign that she is interested in spending more time with you.

She asks around to find out whether you have a girlfriend

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Kzenon

One surefire sign that she is into you but playing hard to get is if she starts asking around to find out whether you have a girlfriend. This could mean she’s looking for an opening to talk to you about her feelings and wants to gauge the situation before making any moves.

If you notice this happening, then it could be a good sign that she likes you and is trying to figure out how to let you know without outright saying it.

She teases the idea of being a couple

multiracial couple
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She might play hard to get, but she also teases the idea of being a couple. She may make subtle references to the two of you going on a date or what it would be like if the two of you were together.

She could even drop hints that suggest she’s interested in exploring a relationship, if only you’d take the hint and make a move!

She’s curious about (and even jealous of) other girls around you

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Anton E.

She may ask questions about other girls you’ve been out with or the ones you talk to, and even show signs of jealousy.

She could also become very talkative around you and take the initiative to start conversations. These signs could hint that she’s into you, so pay attention and look for clues.

She laughs at your jokes

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Andres A.

She laughs at your jokes, even the bad ones. If you’re cracking a joke and she’s laughing along with you, it could be a sign that she is into you.

Girls usually play hard to get, so if she is letting her guard down and not holding back on her laughter, then it indicates that she may be interested in you.

She draws you into long conversations

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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She draws you into long conversations when she is interested but playing hard to get. She will be subtle and ask questions about your life, interests, and passions in order to keep the conversation going.

When a woman is trying to make a connection with someone she likes, she will often use her words to draw them in and see if they have similar interests or values. She may also be testing the waters to see if you are willing to put in the effort for the relationship.

She randomly sends pictures from her phone

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Coja

When a girl is into you but playing hard to get, she may randomly send pictures from her phone. This could be anything from a selfie, a funny meme, an inspirational quote, or even a picture of something that made her think of you. It’s easy for her to show she’s thinking about you without making it too obvious.

She invites you to hang out one-on-one

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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This means that she wants to spend time alone with you, away from other people, and this could be a sign that she finds you attractive or interesting enough for her to want to get to know you better.

Furthermore, if she suggests going somewhere special, like a picnic or a movie night, then it is almost certain that she has some kind of feelings for you.

She lets you know when she’s free

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Adene Sanchez

She may not be explicit in her availability and instead drop hints or make it seem like a coincidence, but if she’s always available or finds ways to make time for you, that’s a sign that she likes you and wants to spend time with you.

In addition, she may also go out of her way to help you in any way possible, even if it means sacrificing her free time.

She shares personal information with you

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by BernardBodo

She’s playing hard to get, but there are ways to tell if she’s actually into you. One of the surefire signs is that she shares personal information with you. She may be more willing to talk about her life than she would with someone else.

She might even go as far as confiding in you about important or meaningful things to her. If this is the case, it could be a sign that she has a special interest in you and wants to start building a connection.

She takes an interest in things you like

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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One surefire sign that she is into you but is playing hard to get is that she takes an interest in things you like. She might ask many questions about your hobbies and interests or even start to participate in them herself.

For example, if you mention your passion for watching movies, she may offer to join in. This is a clear sign that she’s interested in getting closer to you but wants to make sure you notice her first before making any further moves.

She knows things about you you haven’t told her

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
Canva by Anne

This could be an indication that she is playing hard to get and is more interested in you than she lets on. Perhaps she has been asking people close to you about your interests or activities or has done some research online to learn more about who you are.

Whatever the case may be, if she seems to know things about you that you haven’t told her directly, it might be a sign that she’s into you but doesn’t want to make it obvious.

Her friends know how she feels about you

Discover the Secret Signs: 20 Surefire Clues She's Into You, but Playing Hard to Get
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Her friends know how she feels about you, even if she’s playing hard to get. They can usually spot the telltale signs of a girl who is interested in someone, such as her sudden blushes when you’re around or her playful teasing.

Her friends may also observe her touching her hair or face more often than usual, and they may notice how she laughs at your jokes even if no one else does. All these secret signs are surefire clues that she’s into you, and her friends can pick them up.

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  • Ephraim Obare

    Ephraim Obare is a versatile member of the Frenz Hub writing team, bringing a rich background in economics to his work. An avid swimmer, reader, and cyclist, Ephraim blends analytical insights with his diverse interests.

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