12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life – How to Deal!

Chela Mibei
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Toxic people–they’re everywhere. They’re in your workplace, social circle, and maybe even family. These negative individuals can wreak havoc on your life if you allow them to. But how do you recognize them? And more importantly, how do you deal with them?

In this piece, we’ll delve into the 12 sneaky tactics that toxic people use to ruin your life. So buckle up and get ready to navigate the treacherous waters of life with toxic people. Let’s learn how to deal with them and come out on top. After all, life is too short to let negative individuals drag us down. Let’s rise above them and reclaim our power.

They’ll keep you guessing about which version of them you’re getting

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Toxic people are like chameleons: they’ll blend in with their surroundings and adapt to any environment. They’ll keep you guessing about which version of them you’re getting. One day, they’ll be charming and charismatic, making you feel like you’re the center of their world. The next day, they’ll be cold and distant, leaving you wondering what you did wrong. And just when you think you’ve got them figured out, they’ll change again, leaving you feeling like you’re going crazy.

This tactic is designed to keep you on your toes, to make you feel like you can never really trust them. But don’t let them win. By recognizing their game, you can take back control and protect yourself from their toxic influence.

They’ll manipulate.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Here’s the thing about toxic people: they’re more than just unpleasant to be around. They’re actively trying to ruin your life. And one of the most insidious ways they do this is through manipulation. Toxic people are masters at making you doubt yourself, question your own judgment, and ultimately, do their bidding.

It might start with a seemingly innocent request, but you’re caught up in their web of lies and deceit before you know it. And the worst part? You might not even realize it’s happening until it’s too late. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to spot manipulation and put a stop to it before it takes over your life. So if you suspect someone in your life is using these sneaky tactics, be on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. Your well-being depends on it.

They won’t own their feelings.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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One of the sneakiest tactics that toxic people use is not owning up to their feelings. They will project their emotions onto you and avoid any responsibility for their negative behavior. For instance, if you confront them about their mistreatment, they will turn the tables and make it seem like you are being too sensitive or irrational instead of taking accountability.

They will use phrases like “I’m sorry you feel that way” or “I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you’re overreacting.” This deflects the conversation away from their actions and makes you question your own thoughts and feelings. It’s crucial to remember that toxic people won’t take ownership of their emotions, and it’s not your responsibility to fix them. Set boundaries and prioritize your mental health above their manipulative tactics.

They’ll make you prove yourself to them.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Have you ever encountered a toxic person who constantly made you feel like you had to prove yourself to them? They’re insidious in their attempts to control you and will use all kinds of manipulative tactics to keep you under their thumb. Whether it’s questioning your competence or belittling your achievements, toxic people are masters of making you feel small and powerless.

It’s important to recognize these behaviors for what they are and refuse to engage in their games. Remember, you don’t owe anyone proof of your worth or value, least of all a toxic individual. Stand tall and stay confident in yourself, no matter what they say.

They never apologize.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
Canva by Peopleimages.com – YuriArcus

One of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with toxic people is their chronic inability to apologize for their actions. These individuals seem to view admitting fault as a sign of weakness and will instead go to great lengths to justify their bad behavior and deflect blame onto others. Whether it’s a narcissistic boss who never takes responsibility for workplace conflicts or a manipulative ex-partner who refuses to acknowledge their wrongdoings, the lack of remorse exhibited by toxic people can leave their victims feeling powerless and unheard.

And while we may be tempted to hold out hope for an apology or a change in behavior, it’s important to remember that these individuals rarely experience true remorse for their actions. So, as difficult as it may be, we must learn to protect ourselves from their toxic influence and move forward with our lives without the closure we perhaps deserve.

They’ll be there in a crisis, but they’ll never ever share your joy.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Toxic people can be incredibly manipulative. They’ll make you feel like they’re your ride-or-die, always ready to lend a helping hand. And don’t get me wrong, in times of crisis, it’s nice to have someone by your side. But here’s the thing: toxic people will never share your joy. They’ll be there to help you pick up the pieces but never truly be happy for you. It’s like they’re allergic to happiness or something.

They’ll give you a half-hearted congratulations and then immediately find a way to one-up you. It’s like they’re in a competition with you or something. And let me tell you; it’s exhausting. So, if you find yourself constantly surrounded by people who can’t seem to share in your joy, it might be time to reevaluate those relationships. Trust me; you deserve better.

They’ll leave a conversation unfinished – and then they’ll go offline.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Ah, the classic “unfinished conversation” move. Toxic people love playing this game. They’ll get all chatty and engage you in a deep discussion about something important to you. But just as you’re about to reach a breakthrough, they’ll suddenly go silent. And then, bam! Offline they go, leaving you hanging and wondering what the heck just happened. It’s infuriating, isn’t it? But here’s the thing: toxic people are masters of manipulation.

They know that by abruptly ending a conversation, they can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and even a little bit desperate for their attention. Don’t fall for it, my friend. Remember that a healthy conversation is a two-way street, with both parties actively listening and responding to each other. If someone consistently leaves you hanging like this, it might be time to reassess the relationship. Life is too short to waste on toxic nonsense, after all.

They’ll use non-toxic words with a toxic tone.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Toxic people know how to manipulate language and may use seemingly harmless words to convey a more sinister message. They’ll say things like “oh, I was just joking” or “I didn’t mean it that way,” but their tone of voice tells a different story. It’s a passive-aggressive way of communicating that can make you doubt your feelings and leave you confused or guilty.

The thing about toxic people is that they can be so subtle in their language that it can be hard to pinpoint what’s wrong. But paying attention to how they say things and what they say can give you a better sense of their true intentions. Don’t be fooled by the words they use, listen to their tone of voice.

They’ll bring irrelevant detail into a conversation.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Have you ever had a conversation with someone who just couldn’t stay on topic? They somehow always find a way to bring up irrelevant details that steer the conversation away from its intended purpose. Well, my friend, that may be a toxic person in action. These master manipulators use this tactic to not only throw you off guard but also to confuse and frustrate you to the point of giving up.

They know that by dragging on a conversation with irrelevant details, they can eventually wear you down until you no longer care about the original topic. It’s an insidious technique that’s easy to miss if you’re not aware of the signs. When next you’re dealing with an irrelevant talker, keep your emotional guard up, steer the conversation back to the topic at hand, and don’t let yourself fall prey to their manipulative ways.

They’ll make it about the way you’re talking rather than what you’re talking about.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
Canva by Robert Kneschke

Are you familiar with that one person who always manages to twist and turn your words into something negative? They could take a simple statement and make it sound like a personal attack on them. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Well, that’s a sneaky tactic toxic people use: making it about the way you’re talking rather than what you’re talking about.

By shifting the focus to your tone of voice or delivery, they can distract from the actual content of the conversation and manipulate the situation to their advantage. And don’t be fooled; it’s not just about the words you’re saying; it’s about the underlying message they’re trying to convey. So next time you have a conversation with a toxic person, pay close attention to how they respond to your words. Are they really addressing what you’re saying, or are they just trying to spin the conversation to suit their needs? Stay vigilant, my friend.

They exaggerate.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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One of the most insidious tactics used by toxic people is their ability to exaggerate and blow things out of proportion. They can take a small mistake or disagreement and turn it into a catastrophic event. They do this by distorting the truth, amplifying the negative aspects of a situation, and using emotionally charged language to manipulate the perceptions of those around them.

For example, a toxic coworker might take a minor issue and spin it into a full-blown crisis, causing panic and turmoil in the workplace. It’s important to recognize when someone is using this type of exaggeration tactic and not to be swayed by their emotional manipulation. By keeping a level head and focusing on the facts, you can avoid getting caught up in their drama and maintain your own sanity.

They are judgemental.

Exposed: 12 Sneaky Tactics Toxic People Use to Ruin Your Life - Master the Art of Dealing with Them Today
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Toxic people are masters of judgment. They will scrutinize every aspect of your life and make you feel as if you’re never quite good enough. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hard-working, successful individual with a thriving social life. In their eyes, there’s always something wrong with you. Maybe your clothes aren’t fashionable, your car isn’t new, or your job isn’t prestigious enough.

They’ll pick apart every detail of your existence until you’re left feeling inadequate and insecure. And the worst part is that they do it all with a smile on their face as if they’re doing you a favor by pointing out your flaws. But don’t be fooled. Their judgment is not constructive criticism; it’s simply a means of exerting power and control over you. So the next time a toxic person tries to judge you, remember that their opinion doesn’t define you and that you are worthy just as you are.

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  • Chela Mibei

    Chela excels in crafting insightful pieces, drawing from her background in finance and commerce. Her passions for reading, travel, writing, and volunteering enrich her contributions.

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