Her Boss Messaged Her She Would Be Fired if She Went on a Four-Day Family Vacation, Despite Giving Two Months’ Advance notice.

Olu Ojo
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The story of a Quora user’s experience with their boss is a cautionary tale about the importance of knowing your rights as an employee. The user, who worked at a retail store, had given two months’ notice for a vacation with their family. However, the boss texted her, implying that she would be fired if she went on the trip. The user’s family had already purchased tickets and were understandably upset.

Lack of Employer Support

Bad boss
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Unfortunately, this was not the first time the user had experienced a lack of support from the employer. In the past, she had called in sick when her son was severely burned, and she had been threatened with termination. Even though the manager promised help, the assistant manager left a voicemail threatening to fire her, and she was told not to come to work for the remaining shifts. When she attempted to collect her last payment, the company refused and alleged that she had resigned instead of being fired.

The user’s story struck a chord with many users on Quora, who offered advice and support.

The Masses Weigh In

Social media comments
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Quora users shared their responses to the matter. This is what they had to say:

Escalate to the EEOC

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A commenter advised the user to contact the labor board and the EEOC regarding the paycheck issue. They acknowledged that the user had proof of being fired instead of resigning and suggested seeking legal advice on possibly filing a wrongful termination lawsuit. In addition, the commenter offered their thoughts and prayers.

Wrongful Termination?

wrongful termination
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“You most likely have rights under employment law, and you should check with a lawyer and find out what your options are. The company may be liable for wrongful termination, depending on the circumstances of your firing.” Said another Commenter.

“You most likely might be able to get your final paycheck,” the user further said.

Department of Labor, Maybe…

U.S Department of Labor
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Another commenter suggested that the user could have taken the voicemail recording to the Department of Labor as proof and that the DOL would have made the company pay and fined them heavily.


Fired from her job
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A third commenter pointed out that in Tennessee, where the user worked, it is a fire-at-will state, meaning employees can be fired for anything. They also noted that the user might be eligible for unemployment insurance and that FMLA only applies to companies with over 50 employees.

Not Worth Working There

Female Job Applicant
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A fourth commenter expressed sympathy for the user’s situation and suggested that they needed to work somewhere else if their employer didn’t allow any time off to care for a sick child. They hoped that the user could claim unemployment and find a better job with more supportive management.

Get Him SUED!

Sue your boss
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A comment from a user: “Go on the vacation and have a great time. If your boss fires you, get a lawyer and sue him!.”

Call in Sick

Call in sick
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Another user responded: “Tell them ok, then the day of tell call in and tell them you have Covid symptoms. Make an appointment to get tested for Covid but make sure it’s five days away and tell your work you have an appointment for the Covid test. Take your vacation, and don’t talk about it. Get your Covid note which says you are finally clear of it, and return to work. If they say anything about the test, tell them your eye really sick and thought you had Covid and we’re protecting them. This always works.”

Go on Vacation But Start Looking For a New Job

Girl enjoying her vacation
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Another user weighed in and said: “Go on vacation. Spend the time between now and then looking for a new job. Should you get one in that time frame, explain to them upfront that you’re going to need four days off at the very start as you’ve already booked your tickets. They’ll understand. I have no idea where you’re writing from. Much of America has “At Will Employment,” meaning that you can be fired for absolutely no reason. That includes taking a vacation. But if your boss is going to fire you for taking a vacation they already agreed to give you, your boss clearly does not respect you as a person. So it’s time for a new one.”


Lady contemplating a compromise
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“This is a tough situation. If your boss is implying that you will be fired if you go on vacation, then it may not be worth risking your job. However, if your family has already purchased the tickets and everything, then you may have to make a tough decision. You could try talking to your boss and seeing if there is any way that you can work out a compromise.” Said another user.

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  • Olu Ojo

    My name is Olu. I am a passionate entrepreneur who loves to write about Pets, Home Improvement Hacks & Products, Fitness, and Travel Lifestyle. I have two bachelor's degrees in Veterinary Medicine and Applied Accounting with a CPA designation. I currently shuffle time between completing a Master of Business Administration Degree Education, Professional Practice, and Content writing. I have freelanced lifestyle content and posts for many top authority websites like MSN, and Wealth of Geeks.

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